Saturday, October 9, 2010


A thought has been bothering me lately.  It is, why are we, as a nation, taking the abuse we're taking from the moneyed elites.  I think I got it...

For this, let's pretend we're in high school. I'm a guy so this will be from a guy's point of view; obviously, if you're a girl, change the narrative as appropriate.

So we're in high school. There's a guy who's tall, charming, good-looking, athletic, captain of the b-ball team, has a cool ride... he's got every advantage and we would expect that this guy would get the prettiest, smartest girl in the school, right?  Sure, it's the natural order of things.

But not satisfied with that, this guy is going after every girl... *your* girl.  What would you do?

Probably grab a couple of your friends and go have a talk with Mr. Charming and set him straight?

Of course!

But that's not what's happening - Mr. Charming is not only getting our girl, he's got us saying "well, I guess he deserves her"... he's got us helping him get the other guys' girls!  And that is not right.

I don't understand why we're all not beating the living daylights out of this worthy... we've been neutered. We've been conditioned to accept that whatever Mr. Charming does is the right thing, even when it's clearly against our interest.  We are not American MEN anymore... I can't imagine those WWII vets putting up with anything like this.

When I started writing this, I thought about making Mr. Charming a big bully forcing his way... but that lacks nuance, and is not appropriately descriptive of what's going on.

The point is, just because one can do something, it doesn't mean one should.  And one guy taking every girl in the school is a surefire way to trouble. As those WWII vets knew, so it didn't happen on their watch. We are falling way short of their standard.

I, for one, am fighting...

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