A couple of recent posts by friends of mine got me thinking about this. In their posts, my friends expressed frustration with the level of noise (to put it politely) currently seen in political advertising.
So Why Vote?
Politics is fundamentally about how the pie gets divided and allocated, the pie being our resources. And, you've already paid to participate; you don't pre-pay at an expensive restaurant and then walk out, right?
So how do you make a choice? Like a lot of things in life, it boils down to research, your intuition...
Say you're considering a weight-loss system and you see an ad promising "take this pill once a day, you'll look like a model! You don't have to exercise or give up your double-cheeseburgers!!", well... you'd say "yeah, right..."
Or when buying a car, you don't just rely on the salesman's representations -- you go online, you do the research, you ask your trusted friends, you do the test drive.
Same with politics... there is such a thing as objective truth, so claims can be objectively evaluated. If a politician is not talking, in some way, about the allocation of the pie, then you know they're throwing a smoke-screen at you. If they're promising to put a man on Mars for a million bucks... yeah, right. Figuratively speaking; you know what I mean.
So please vote; and remember... politics is fundamentally about deciding how our resources are used now and in the future. About what kind of place do you want to live in, do you want your children to live in. And this decision-making is something you do in your own home every single day.
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